Refund & Cancellation Policy believes in helping its customers as far as possible !

Every person desirous of subscribing to the services of Manorama Matrimony shall be bound by the following. (1) You shall read and accept our terms and conditions, privacy policy and, refund and cancellation policy before registering on our site. (2) We require member photograph and ID proof for profile activation.

When you buy our services, If you are, for any reason, not entirely happy with your purchase, we will cheerfully issue a refund if the refund request is made within 24 hours. But this refund applies ONLY for INACTIVE orders and not applicable for partially or semi active orders (Orders in which field verification done but verification document not submitted) 

The website explicitly states and requires all members to furnish photograph and ID proof along with correct and verifiable phone number and Email. Refund request must be sent from the member dashboard. All communication shall be sent from registered email address only  

Refund will NOT apply for Orders that are activated with PAID membership. Please include your order number and optionally tell us why you're requesting a refund - we take customer feedback very seriously and use it to constantly improve our products and quality of service.